The rape, torture and subsequent death of a 14-month-old baby girl has left Cairns in shock. Within streets of my own home, the infant girl was left in the care of her mother’s teenage defacto for only a short period.
An Ambulance was called to the address after reports of a baby in distress. The baby was transferred to hospital but died within hours. The Cairns Post reported that there was evidence of a minor head injury but an autopsy will determine the exact cause of death.
An 18 year old man has been charged with murder, torture and two counts of rape. Under Queensland Law this man cannot be named.
When will our children be safe? When will we all realise that child protection is the concern of all of us. This baby was not raped, tortured or killed at the hands of an unknown stranger. Her mother’s defacto raped, tortured and murdered her.
It is unknown if this child was already under the watchful protective eye of the Department of Child Safety. If she was not, shame on our community for not having bought the plight of a wee child to the attention of the authorities.
This baby and her family must have displayed some elements of having been at risk of harm. Child abuse does not happen in a vacuum. There are signs, indications, dynamics that suggest all is not well. As a community, we may have failed to recognise, report, protect and are therefore guilty of allowing this death to occur.
It is not our job as concerned citizens to investigate child abuse. If we have suspicions or concerns, it is our job, our responsibility to report our concerns. Without reports and clear communication about child safety needs, the statutory authorities can do nothing.
Imagine, that this wee child was only streets from your home. What are you willing to do to make child protection serious business? What are you willing to do to protect the children in your neighbourhood, today, BEFORE a tragedy occurs?
Also see: Adolescent Sexual Offenders and Second Chances.
Hello world!
6 years ago
3 Response to "Baby Rape, Torture and Murder in Cairns."
Megan. This is indeed a dreadful tragedy for the child, her family, the community in which we live and indeed, even for the perpetrator. Asking ourselves why? Silently and verbally cursing the perpetrator, wondering how a mother could 'allow' this to happen and many other thoughts and words we run through our mind or prattle off our lips are all ways we help protect ourselves from the intense grief and shock that follows such an incident.
What can we actually do? I believe residents of Queensland can write letters to the Premier of the State of Queensland demanding Child Protection work, through the Statutory departments responsibe and also through non-Government agencies, be financed adequately by Treasury to appropriately address child protection issues.
In recent times, Queensland Government and non-Government services have received funding enabling increases of staff and improved resources. However, it is still not enough. What is provided is ever only enough to make a small improvement at that time. There is never enough funding to really make a long term difference.
It is not only child protection services and workers needing appropriate funding but services, Statutory and non-Statury, working with perpetrators (majority of whom have been seriously abused themselves)on a one to one level and also in group work and realistic on-going support.
Sickening as this event is, responsibility for the criminal action lies firmly with the perpetrator. However, we all need to remain objective in thinking, voice and action, so as to contribute to and bring about solutions that truly protect children from this most serious abuse.
Words are cheap. Action takes courage. I am writing my letter to the Premier tonight and posting at the Mail Exchange tomorrow. Will other Queenslanders join me?
You have done well in your summary of this tragedy. I strongly support you and I know Dad does too. Take good care of yourself in all of this. Mum. XX
A letter to the Premier is a great idea. Would you be willing to post it here so that other people can get an idea of what to write themselves?
The other thing some people might like to do is telephone and make face to face appointments with their political member. Raise concerns with your member and ask what they are doing to further protect our children.
I see this as a two way street though. It is not only the job of the government, child protection is my business too and I hope that readers will also make it theirs.
I say give them the death penalty and make them suffer brutal torture for days or weeks ,and then maybe we will start seeing less of stuff like this going on!!!!!!!!!! who s with me????
lets make laws to protect these babies and ones that will scare the heck out of them!!!!!
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