Advertising watchdog, Reuters, has metaphorically knifed coveted fashion house Dolce & Gabanna. In a 2007 fashion campaign Dolce & Gabanna take “life imitating art” one cut too far. Recreating the early 19th century Napoleonic period of art, Dolce & Gabanna defended themselves by claiming that their fashion images emphasized the theatrical effects of the genre.
Advertisements of gun and knife wielding male and female models (including models with gun shots to their forehead and chest) in a Napoleonic gangland warfare genre do little to encourage world peace and child safety. Dolce & Gabanna are in a perfect position to use their corporate social responsibility in a way that few of us can. Their market profit, influence and trend setting style could positively market child abuse prevention. Instead, they have inadvertently condoned violence and provided a message that wearing their clothes makes you tough: a killer.
The sexually provocative ad history of Dolce & Gabanna concerns me. These current visual graphics of trendy, beautiful people weilding knives and guns, threatening others and supporting injured peers, may send a message that sex with violence can be beautiful and trendy. When forced on another person, sex with violence is totally unacceptable, against the law and deserves the harshest penalities measured.
Thumbs down to Dolce & Gabbana. They have not displayed corporate social responsibility in this instance. I was going to replace my sunglasses this week and a beautiful Dolce & Gabbana pair were my choice. Because of this irresponsible advertising campaign, I will not now buy Dolce & Gabbana.
On an up note, a local, male, radio announcer suggested that perhaps the models should have been given a fork because they all look like they need a good meal. Well done to him. His comment aided the plight of people struggling with eating disorders and the insane belief that real people look like Dolce & Gabbana models. How fantastic to have a normal bloke speak out and indicate that model art is not model life.
Child abuse prevention requires effort from all of us, even from marketing campaigns designed to increase sales, profit and set fashion trend.
Corporate Social Responsibility is not fashionable but it is smart, stylish and well performing.
I’d like to hear about small business: the people who act out their corporate social responsibility without realizing what it is. Feel free to share a story about how you, or somebody else, contributes toward child abuse prevention. I look forward to reading your comments.
Hello world!
6 years ago
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