Protective Behaviours are about protecting children and adults from all elements of danger. Water, Sun, Poison and Personal safety lie high on the agendas of some Protective Behaviour programs.
Complacency lies high on the agendas of some parents. Receiving rebuffs about the work we do is common ground for workers attempting to protect children from sexual assault. Many parents seem to think there is no need to talk about personal safety with their children. Safe in their own families, parents become complacent and do not risk manage around protective behaviours.
I am no different. My children have grown up with the fear around yet another of my boring comments: Sunburn is sun damage. The Slip, Slap, Slop program has been instilled into my children from its day of inception. Yet still, I became complacent and yesterday I allowed my body to be abused by the cruel tropical sun. Boy and partner were fine. They spent the entire day snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef, protected by sun and stinger suits with regular slatherings of SPF 30+ sun screen.
While rubbing moisturizer into my burnt body, partner suggested that it was irresponsible for a protective behaviour consultant to allow sun abuse. I agree. I failed and today I am hurting. I will heal though and I pray that I haven’t allowed melanoma to invade my protected space.
None of us can afford to become complacent around personal safety. Our children may well be safe with us but it takes only one other person to zero in on our child, to sexually abuse them, for a life time of hurt, confusion and betrayal to stay embedded in the hearts and minds of our child.
Protective Behaviours in the sun is very important. As you place a hat or sun screen on your child, spare a thought for how you are going to protect your child from the cancer of child sexual abuse. If you’re looking for some simple play ideas of how to protectively play, visit Toys, Books and Games Protect Kids.
Related Great Barrier Reef marine species articles by an 11 year old home school boy (my son):
Turtle Facts.
Starfish are Echinoderms
Hello world!
6 years ago
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