Imaginif prompts for daily writers.
If you wish to join the Writers Prompt Daily simply use the below photo (changes daily) as a prompt and post a short story, poem or paragraph to your blog. Leave a comment and your link here so that all participants can come to you and read/comment/encourage. Stories below are copyright and are Megan Bayliss' writing around the below daily picture prompt.

Bitss of Caramel Marmalade on Toast

My daughter and I have decided to no longer post to her blog site: Toys, books & games protect kids. Child Protection: Serious Business has by far the greatest amount of traffic and it would appear the most sensible and protective thing to do to collate all protective information in the one spot.

Therefore, I am moving the entries about my children's book, Bitss of Caramel Marmalade on Toast: Complete, over to this site so that more people have an opportunity to print either chapters or the entire book as a resource to assist them in keeping their children safe.

This is a copy of the final post about Bitss of Caramel Marmalade on Toast:

The entire book, Bitss of Caramel Marmalade on Toast: A Chapter Each Day, has now been posted, chapter by chapter, to Toys, Books, Games Protect Kids. I do hope that you enjoyed it and I would love to hear some feedback. Just so that the contents are all on a single page, indexed links appear below.

A Dream Introduction
Bit 1. Tart Marmalade or Sweet Caramel
Bit 2. Caramel-Brown Toilet Sausages and Poisoned Worm Jelly
Bit 3. Leaping Tasmanian Devil in Sour Lime Sauce
Bit 4. Catmando and Reef Knots.
Bit 5. Bitssy Gets it Good!
Bit 6. Clown Fish Won't Survive in Limejuice.
Bit 7. The Mellow Yellow Prophecy.
Bit 8. Poison Snake Catches a Rat on the Front Verandah
Bit 9. Snot Nice
Bit 10. Hot Toast with Vegemite.
Bit 11. Off Caramel Smells Like Rotting Lime.
Bit 12. A Dog's Body
Bit 13. The Goodbye Van.
Bit 14. Caramel on Toast.
Bit 15. The Final Dreaming.

To purchase Bitss of Caramel Marmalade on Toast please visit this eBay store: Duncan's Emporium Gifts and Curios. They are selling the book at only A$12.00 plus postage. RRP is $15.00 (+ p and h)

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