Imaginif prompts for daily writers.
If you wish to join the Writers Prompt Daily simply use the below photo (changes daily) as a prompt and post a short story, poem or paragraph to your blog. Leave a comment and your link here so that all participants can come to you and read/comment/encourage. Stories below are copyright and are Megan Bayliss' writing around the below daily picture prompt.

Imaginif Launches "Purse for a Curse"

What is Purse for a Curse
  • A fund raiser for child sexual abuse prevention.

  • Used celebrity purses, wallets and hand bags are auctioned at a gala dinner and simultaneous on-line auction.

  • 100% of profits go to a charity that supports ending child sexual abuse.

  • In 2007, all fundraising goes to the Abused Child Trust.

  • Auction and dinner will be held in Cairns during Child Protection week (September 2007).

  • The prevalence of child sexual abuse is said to be as high as 1 in 3.

  • Child sexual abuse is a curse that you can purse to.

Imaginif Pty Ltd is a family owned Protective Behaviour firm that offers a range of professional services to people who want to help end child sexual abuse. One evening while Megan Bayliss (Director) was feeling frustrated over the endemic numbers of child sexual abuse, she said, “We need a fund raiser for prevention, a purse for a curse. A fund raiser where every year the recipient changes so that the widest net is cast over those agencies working to prevent child sexual abuse”

From there, discussions began, and Purse for a Curse was born. Megan approached the Abused Child Trust in Cairns and asked if they would be the inaugural recipient of fund raising. They agreed.

Purse for a Curse allows you to help end the social curse that is a shame on our communities. Our children, and our helping agencies, need support. You can support by donating or bidding on a celebrity purse, wallet or handbag.

Who can donate used Purses, Wallets or Handbags?

If you are a person of high profile or celebrity status, you can! Your used purse, wallet or handbag will have far more value to one of your adoring fans that it would if you threw it out. Most importantly though, the money your donated purse will bring at auction will have an unprecedented value to a child affected by the social curse of child sexual abuse.

There is a tradition to include a coin or two when giving a gift of a purse so that the recipient has good luck. You may want to consider this as your additional symbolic move toward ending the social curse of child sexual abuse.

You may not want to donate your beloved old purse. You may prefer instead to donate a cash sum to the cause. Your donation is tax deductable and will be publicly recognised in both promotional material and on the night of the gala dinner and on-line auction. Everyone will know that you care about our kids and are prepared to do something about it.

How to Donate?

Please send your used purse, wallet or handbag to either Imaginif Pty Ltd, PO Box 995, Edge Hill, QLD, 4870, Australia, or to the Abused Child Trust in Cairns, PO Box 1084, Earlville QLD 4870, Australia.

Please include your name and a short bio about yourself, including any links to web or fan pages. This information will be used to promote your willingness to help end the social curse of child sexual abuse and to encourage bids on your purse for a curse.

Readers: if you know anyone of high public profile or celebrity status, please feel free to email this to them. The more celebrities we reach, the quicker we can all impact upon ending the social curse of child sexual abuse.

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