Do you give a blog about sexual violence? Marcella Chester from Abyss2hope does and she is coordinating a Blog Against Sexual Violence event. The goal is to get as many bloggers as possible to participate. If you're a blogger and you give a blog, then that means you.
This is the perfect opportunity for bloggers to come together as a united community: to have a single voice in saying that sexual violence will not be tolerated. For too long victims have been blamed, maligned and ostracised. No more! Rape and sexual violence is the responsibility of the perpetrator, NEVER the victim. Bloggers scream with opinion and consciousness raising. Bloggers are the social marketers of the here, now and future. Make your voice count. Join the Blog Against Sexual Violence event to be held on April 5, 2007
The 2007 Sexual Assault Awareness Month (United States) campaign national slogan for this April is: Prevent Sexual Violence…in our communities. As a community of bloggers we can raise the banner and demand zero tolerance of sexual violence in our on-line community and real time communities world wide.
Not one to be left out of any initiatives involving protection of children, particularly child sexual abuse, I will be waving my flag and focusing on placing blame where it belongs: on the sexual predators that troll the paths our children tred. While one, five or twelve people can make a difference, the combined cry of protecting all people is strengthened by numbers. I invite you to join the Blog Against Sexual Violence and do your bit for making the world a safer and more equitable place for men, women and children. All you have to do is wave the banner and write a post about ending sexual violence.
Can you afford not to be seen participating in this sexual violence prevention initiative? Often the silent majority is taken to be supporting the status quo. Given the high numbers of sexual violence there is no way I would ever want to be mistaken as not caring about, or supporting entrenched sub cultures of sexual violence. If you are thinking the same way, visit Abyss2hope and grab the html code to place the Blog Against Sexual Violence banner on your site. Be seen as against obscene: visually display your commitment to creating a world free of sexual abuse. Individual, business or corporate entity, here is your opportunity to silently speak up without it costing you a cent.
Hello world!
6 years ago
6 Response to "The Blogging Community Blogs Up Against Sexual Violence"
Oh Erik
I so wish I could give you a birthday gift of no more sexual violence.
Will you join with us on your birthday by writing a blog about your wishes of no more sexual abuse? You can take the html code from abyss2hope and place on your website for the world to see that you are against sexual violence.
I won't be forgetting your birthday Erik but I will be away on my honeymoon.
This is a great idea. For sure I'll blog on it.
Great stuff Doc. The more people who support, the stronger our demand for a world of zero tolerance toward sexual violence.
Hi Megan,
I don't know how good my blog entry will be, but I will put one up on April 5th.
Putting a stop to sexual violence...a beautiful idea but, alas, it's going to be one problem we probably won't ever see take the world by storm.
When it's the 'norm' in some societies, it's got to be a grass-roots movement. Still, we can move mountains with teaspoons, if there enough of us digging!
Have teaspoon (computer) ready to dig!
Go Vickie.
It would be FANTASTIC if you put a blog up. Can you just imagine the mountain moving that would happen on April 5 if every blogger did a sexual assault prevention blog. WOW. It would be mind blowing.
Don't forget to visit abyss2hope and get the html code to put the little sexual violence blog day banner on your site.
How about your husband? Is he interested in taking a stance against sexual violence on his blog?
Hello again Megan!
I put the banner up on my site before I read your reply.
I'm not sure if Rob has any room left on his site for the banner, but I do know that he's very supportive of the move. He's also an excellent writer, so he may put up a posting...not that he's had any experience of this sort of thing.
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