Imaginif prompts for daily writers.
If you wish to join the Writers Prompt Daily simply use the below photo (changes daily) as a prompt and post a short story, poem or paragraph to your blog. Leave a comment and your link here so that all participants can come to you and read/comment/encourage. Stories below are copyright and are Megan Bayliss' writing around the below daily picture prompt.

International Social Work Day. Social Workers do it with International Relations.

Social Workers do it with international relations. No, I'm not talking about incest. International Social Work day falls on March 27th. A day to celebrate the amazing advances Social Work has contributed globally in areas of equality, social justice, community development, research and policy, improving the lives of individuals, rights and education, International Social Work day celebrates each social workers ability in making a difference on a world wide scale. Further, International Social Work day (dated to fall in conjunction with United Nations Social Work day) is a day for local and national social work chapters to highlight concerns and activities of social workers to the wider public.

My blog, Child Protection: Serious Business, is my global social bookmark for highlighting my concerns: sexual assault, particularly child sexual assault, must be prevented. Sexual assault knows no cultural or class bounds. It happens across the globe. Many bloggers, both social workers and non social workers are using the medium of blogs to raise awareness. Join us on April 5, 2007, in a concentrated and global focused voice that demands safe communities with a zero tolerance toward sexual violence.

Blog Against Sexual Violence logo

As a student social worker, I never once considered that I was working toward a career and area of focus that could travel internationally. However, after having had job offers from both the USA and a Scandinavian country and having worked in child protection in London, I soon realised the full potential of keeping my finger on the pulse of international social work.

Would I work internationally again? Yes, at the drop of a hat. I loved the challenge to my practice, the new cultures and people I was exposed to and the different ways of approaching systemic injustices.

If you are interested in doing social work, consider the exciting and stimulating career path way of working internationally in your chosen area of social passion. International social work practice not only closes the gap that the trappings of globalisation has helped widen, it broadens the mind and cements core social work values and ethics.

Social Work journals are filled with agency adds seeking qualified social workers to fill posts in many overseas countries. What a way to see the real world and to grow both your skill level and sense of self. Biggest bonus though, is that you get to positively impact upon another person's/community's/organisations ethical, moral or self discerning advancement within their own cultural and social positioning.

To find out more about what international social work is and offers, have a look at these sites:

Social Work World
International Federation of Social Workers
Australian Association of Social Workers
British Association of Social Workers
Ozone Recruitment
Association of Social Work Boards
Everyone needs therapy
International Association of Schools of Social Work

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