Imaginif prompts for daily writers.
If you wish to join the Writers Prompt Daily simply use the below photo (changes daily) as a prompt and post a short story, poem or paragraph to your blog. Leave a comment and your link here so that all participants can come to you and read/comment/encourage. Stories below are copyright and are Megan Bayliss' writing around the below daily picture prompt.

Invitation to Submit Now to the Carnival Against Child Abuse (May 2007 edition)

Invitation to join the fight against domestic terrorists:
child abusers.
Dear Reader,

You are invited to join us for the Carnival Against Child Abuse.
When: Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Where: Child Protection: Serious Business (here)

Theme: May Day, May Day: Children at Risk.

What to contribute: Your blog posts about Child Abuse. Posts that fit the theme of “May Day, May Day: Children at Risk” will be published first on the scale of blogs about Child Abuse.

Special guest appearance: In preparation for the first birthday of the Carnival Against Child Abuse (June 19th) we bring you straight from outback Australia, Participation Contest.
  • For every post you submit, you get one point.
  • For every comment you make on a carnival entry, you get one point. You can leave a comment even if you didn’t submit a post. However, your comment must include that you found your way there through the Carnival Against Child Abuse.
  • For every post that you link back to the carnival, you’ll get one point (begin now by advertising the upcoming "May Day, May Day: Children at Risk" edition. Follow up by advertising the published edition.).
  • Winner is the first to reach 21 points, or the closest to 21 points.
  • Winner will be announced here at Child Protection: Serious Business with a link back to the winner's blog/s.

Prize for Participation Contest Winner: Children’s Chapter Book, Bitss of Caramel Marmalade on Toast. Value $23.00 (RRP $15.00, international P&H $8.00). Signed book will be mailed from the author (me). Winner will also receive a “Dogsbody Army Award for Helping Kids to Stay Safe” graphic to place on their site.

RSVP: Blogs to be received by Monday 14th May by responding to this invitation here.

Message from event coordinator: In the interest of child protection and assisting kids at risk of harm (physical, emotional, sexual and neglect), this virtual event is alcohol and drug free. We particularly welcome blog posts about prevention of child abuse, focusing on what parents can do. Practical tips, ideas, stories of encouragement and strength, and praise for those corporate entities that have taken up the Child Abuse prevention flag are most welcome. Similarly, and given that May celebrates Mother’s Day, stories about Mother’s who acted protectively toward their children are highly prized catches in the fight against child abuse. All other categories are still accepted (Survivor Stories, Poetry, In The News, Healing and Therapy, Advocacy & Awareness, Aftermath). If you have something to say about Child Abuse, this is the place to say it. We look forward to receiving your positive RSVP in the way of your blog submission. Thank you for enlisting to the war on domestic terrorism.

Photos courtesy of my son's 11th birthday party.

4 Response to "Invitation to Submit Now to the Carnival Against Child Abuse (May 2007 edition)"

signed us - etal said...

we have placed our submissions in

Marj aka Thriver said...

Hi, Megan. I got a reminder post up about the carnival on my blog and I'll e-mail past participants to remind them as well. Let me know how the submissions are coming in and if you need anything from me. Also, let me know Wednesday as soon as you get the edition up so I can tell Blog Carnival it's posted. Don't despair if you're still waiting for submissions--they tend to be last minute (including me--I'm always late). ;)

Megan Bayliss said...

Hi all
the submissions are coming in. Thank you to each of you. I'm busy getting my new web site ( functional but it won't be ready for this months carnival so carnival will be posted to this site.
If you haven't got somebody for July yet Marj, I'd be happy to host again on my new site.
Together we will impact on stopping child abuse.

Megan Bayliss said...

Well I'm not off to the best start - I got my own web address wrong.
The new child protection site is

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