Imaginif prompts for daily writers.
If you wish to join the Writers Prompt Daily simply use the below photo (changes daily) as a prompt and post a short story, poem or paragraph to your blog. Leave a comment and your link here so that all participants can come to you and read/comment/encourage. Stories below are copyright and are Megan Bayliss' writing around the below daily picture prompt.

Reminder to Aussies: Shop Woolworths 23.1.07

Attention all you Australians: Tomorrow, Tuesday 23rd of January, Woolworths will donate 100% of profit to the drought relief fund.

For the full story on Woolworths amazing Corporate Social Responsibility see, Woolworths National Drought Action Day January 23, 2007.

I’ll be off to Woolworths early to do a huge shop.

Thanks Woolworths. Here’s thumbs up to you.

1 Response to "Reminder to Aussies: Shop Woolworths 23.1.07"

Megan Bayliss said...

Hi Erik
your support from afar is greatly appreciated.
The drought has damaged the foundations on many houses. As the ground has dried and cracked, so too have the footings of family homes.
The animals and crops are dieing and the price of food is increasing. It is indeed grim.
Woolworths has been just fantastic. Many of their farmers have been affected.
I haven't shopped for three weeks. Tuesday is the day. Old Mother Hubbab's cupboard may be bare tonight, but it won't be tomorrow. I'm going to do a HUGE shop.
I might even buy myself some Belgium chocolate and think of you.
Tale care.

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